Giedrius Krukonis
Diagnosis, conservative and surgical treatment of periodontal diseases.
A good doctor always aims to solve problems by finding the causes and as a periodontist, I also follow this principle. A thorough examination of the patient and a good treatment plan are necessary to achieve high-quality treatment results. A periodontist always follows a broader approach to oral health, not forgetting a patient’s general health, systemic illness, and harmful habits. Healthy gums are like a solid foundation for healthy and beautiful teeth, so it is essential to ensure gum health before performing any dental treatment.
2008 Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, specialty of dentistry. 2013 Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, residency in periodontology. 2012 VU MF assistant. 2013 VUŽLK dentist periodontologist
Membership in professional organizations
Lithuanian Society of Periodontists, Chamber of Dentists.
Scientific work
Academic degrees: assistant
Field of science: Periodontology
Subjects taught: Periodontology
Presentations at scientific and teaching-methodological conferences
Klinikinio atvejo pristatymas “Išorinės šaknies kaklelio rezorbcija”, 2013/03/02
“Periodontito gydymo gairės ir profilaktika pagal tarptautines rekomendacijas”, 2021/09/11
Puišys A, Krukonis G, Linkevičius T, “Clinical success rates of submerged and non-submerged implant placement”, Stomatologija Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol. 10., Suppl 5. p.12-13;
Krukonis G, Žekonienė J, Pečiulienė V, “Periodonto ligų paplitimas. Taikomų tyrimo metodų ypatumai.” Stomatologija / Lietuvos bendrosios praktikos gydytojų stomatologų draugija ir Lietuvos stomatologų sąjunga. Kaunas : Lietuvos bendrosios praktikos gydytojų stomatologų draugija, 2013, t. 15, nr. 2. p. 11-16;
Qualification improvement
Praktikiniai Dr. Anton Sculean kursai „Minkštųjų audinių plastika”, 2019/02/27
Nedelsiamas implantavimas ir protezavimas: komandinis požiūris, Vilnius, 2015/10/02
Bazinis implantologijos kursas, Vilnius, 2012/12
Meet Giedrius Krukonis
Dental plaque is the most common cause of periodontitis. The earliest symptom is bleeding of the gums, which is most frequently seen when brushing your teeth. If bleeding is present, you should contact your periodontist as soon as possible to make an accurate diagnosis.